“胜”,体现的正是现代商务之精髓,追求赢的力量,也追求赢的策略和内涵。蒙迪欧-致胜的用户除了是商海中的弄潮儿,是胜者,同样也要做崇高责任的担当者,要以爱和智慧赢取天道人心。“胜”还意味着美好,美妙。福特蒙迪欧-致胜时尚动感的外观和精准驾驭所带来的操控体验与当代商务精英人士“活得精彩”的生活理念相契合,将帮助人们实现更为美好的精彩生活。 “Sheng”, meaning victory in Chinese, justly explains the soul of modern business, which is to pursue both the power to win and the proper strategy to victory. The winner is not only a conqueror, but also an undertaker of responsibilities, winning support with love and wisdom. “Sheng” also means beautiful and wonderful. Stylish, kinetic appearance and excellent handling of Ford Mondeo-Zhisheng bring its users supreme driving experience, which just corresponds to business elites’ living concept of “Make Every Day Exciting“. “胜”,也寄寓着长安福特马自达汽车将蒙迪欧-致胜打造成中国中高级车市新标杆的雄心壮志和一往无前的信心。事实上,福特蒙迪欧-致胜尚未在中国上市,已经先声夺人,充分展现了其“胜”的势态。福特蒙迪欧-致胜除了在欧洲市场上市屡创佳绩,更在海内外媒体评选中拔得头筹:在前不久英国著名汽车专业杂志《Auto Express》的新车年度评选中,蒙迪欧-致胜一举赢得最高奖项 —“年度风云车”大奖。而此前,在由《东方早报》携手世界最大汽车杂志《AUTO BILD》举办的“东方车评榜”评选上,蒙迪欧-致胜荣获“2007上海国际车展金奖”。另外,在结合了10万张网络投票的“新浪-新民晚报2007上海车展车型评选”中,蒙迪欧-致胜入选“2007全球最值得期待的十大车型”。 “Sheng” also symbolizes Changan Ford Mazda’s great ambition and confidence in building Mondeo-Zhisheng into a new benchmark in China medium to high-end car market. As a matter of fact, the car has fully demonstrated its momentum to succeed before it comes to China market. In addition to winning excellent results in European markets, the car also won several awards in both domestic and overseas markets. It won Car of the Year top award granted by Auto Express, a famous auto magazine in the UK, as well as “Golden Motor Show Award” at “Oriental Auto Board” jointly held by Oriental Morning Post and Auto Bild, the world’s most influential auto magazine. Furthermore, the car also won the award of “2007 Top Ten Most Expected Models in the World” granted by “Sina-Xinmin Evening News 2007 Shanghai Motor Show Award Program”. More than 100,000 people voted for the award program via the internet. 福特蒙迪欧-致胜,完美的代表了这样一个以“致”取胜的商务精英群体,在现代生活和工作中游刃有余,借助智慧一击致胜,“赢得机智、赢得漂亮”,最终达致新的成就高度。作为与这些成功商业人士身份相吻合、操控驾驭性卓越、工艺精湛的高品质座驾,蒙迪欧-致胜很好的体现了他们沉稳、睿智、富有激情的普遍共性,以及追求品味的性格特征。“致胜”,不但充分诠释了蒙迪欧-致胜的品牌定位,而且进一步把福特“活得精彩”的品牌精神提升到了更高的境界。 Mondeo-Zhisheng perfectly represents a group of business elites who live their lives and do their jobs with ease, gaining victory wittily and gracefully, thus ultimately scoring better achievements. As the high-quality car well matched with these successful businessmen, Ford-Mondeo reflects their common features of being composed, wise, exciting as well as enjoying good tastes. “Zhisheng” not only fully explains the car’s brand positioning, but also enhances the brand concept of “Make Every Day Exciting” to a higher level. “我们对全新蒙迪欧-致胜在中国市场的前景充满了信心,‘致胜’这一中文后缀名的诞生,预示着我们的产品将在不久的将来,在中国中高级车市场旗开得胜、赢得精彩的开局!”长安福特马自达汽车销售公司总经理何骏杰说。 “We are quite confident to Mondeo-Zhisheng’s future in China market. The birth of Chinese suffix ’Zhisheng’ indicates that our product will have a victorious and wonderful debut in China medium to high-end car market in the near future.” said Nigel Harris, the general manager of Changan Ford Mazda Sales Company. 定名只是正式上市前的一步,蒙迪欧-致胜的更多精彩将纷至沓来,而随之相伴的,则是中高级轿车市场更富活力和激情的明天。 Naming is just one step before debut and Mondeo-Zhisheng will see more of its wonderful stories ahead. At the same time, medium to high-end car market will also be experiencing a more prosperous and exciting future. 欲了解蒙迪欧- 致胜更多信息,请登录: For more information about Mondeo-Zhisheng,please access: WWW.FordMondeo.com.cn