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发表于 2020-7-29 11:14:21

关于早期X5能否用Apple CarKey,最详细的说明



宝马数字钥匙1.5(Apple CarKey)
我已经看到了很多关于BMW Digital Key(DK)1.5的猜测和错误信息。希望这篇文章将有助于清除一些薄雾。

Digital Key
1.5支持最新版本-支持NFC卡和Apple Products Only的新版本只有

DK 1.5才能在受支持的iOS设备上使用13.6及更高版本。需要最新的BMW Connected Drive应用程序。必须在云服务中为DK1.5启用CD帐户和关联的汽车。该操作是在后端自动完成的,而不是由经销商自动完成的,大概是基于汽车的VO构建版本。


Smart Access
汽车本身具有所谓的Smart Access(SA)。同样,有两个版本-1.0和1.5,它们与DK在协议方面保持一致。

在装有Comfort Access的所有适用型号上都启用了SA 1.0,但使用Smart Access 1.5的情况除外。

在配备Comfort Access和i-step 07 / 2020.25及更高版本的所有适用车型上启用了SA 1.5,并且FA的车辆订购(VO)构建版本为2020年7月或更高版本。

如果在汽车上启用了SA 1.0,则idrive设置将显示一个名为“激活密钥”的菜单。
如果在汽车上启用了SA 1.5,则idrive设置将显示一个名为“激活主密钥”的菜单。见菜单所附图片

要使用新的BMW数字钥匙服务,您需要SA 1.5和DK 1.5

不是现在!如上所述,Android设备不支持Smart Access 1.5。如果宝马将其改装为现有车型,那么它将破坏所有Android设备对DK的支持。

3. Google更新了Android Car Key支持,以包括新的DK 1.5格式/标准
4.针对每个客户进行即席即恶的噩梦,因为每辆车都需要不同的编码。苹果需要SA 1.5,安卓用户1.0。
5.保持原样。没有改造。新客户获得DK / SA 1.5,并且仅支持Apple产品。




发表于 2020-8-3 17:11:23

北京车友3695589 2020/07/29 20:01:08 发表在 板凳


I've seen a lot of speculation and misinformation on BMW Digital Key (DK) 1.5. Hopefully, this post will help clear some of the mist.

Digital Key
DK is the technology used on the device. There are 2 versions:
1.0 - current version supported on Android devices and NFC card
1.5 - new version which supports the NFC card AND Apple Products ONLY

DK 1.5 can only be enabled on supported iOS devices with version 13.6 and later. The latest BMW Connected Drive app is required. The CD account and associated car MUST be enabled for DK1.5 in the cloud service. This is done automatically at the back-end, not by dealers, presumably based on the cars VO build version.

If DK1.5 is enabled for a CD account, then the DK option will appear in the app.

Smart Access
The car itself has what's called Smart Access (SA). Again, two versions - 1.0 and 1.5, which align protocol-wise with the DK.

SA 1.0 is enabled on all applicable models equipped with Comfort Access, except where Smart Access 1.5 is used.

SA 1.5 is enabled on all applicable models equipped with Comfort Access AND i-step 07/2020.25 and later AND the Vehicle Order (VO) build version in FA is July 2020 or later.

If SA 1.0 is enabled on the car, then the idrive settings will display a menu called 'Activate Key'
If SA 1.5 is enabled on the car, then the idrive settings will display a menu called 'Activate Main Key'. See attached pics of the menu

To use the new BMW Digital Key Service you need BOTH SA 1.5 AND DK 1.5

So, what does this mean for owners with DK supported cars with a build version earlier than 07/2020? Will BMW retrofit?
Not currently! As mentioned above, Android devices do not support Smart Access 1.5. If BMW were to retrofit this to existing models then it would break all Android devices DK support.

What can BMW do to address this issue?
1. Just roll it out, break the Android service and refund the customers
2. Wait until all the Android subs expire and then roll it out
3. Google update the Android Car Key support to include the new DK 1.5 format/standard
4. Address each customer on an adhoc basis - nightmare as it would require different coding for each car. Apple need SA 1.5, Android users 1.0.
5. Leave as is. No retrofit. New customers get DK/SA 1.5 and support is for Apple Products only.

Happy to refine this position as new information becomes available but the current message being delivered by BMW dealers is often plain wrong! A video has been referenced on these forums that was completely wrong, and has since been removed.

I'm not claiming to have all the answers, but hopefully this post will have clarified a few points.

Note: its probable that X series owners will not get the new service unless they have a 08/2020 production vehicle. Others 'should' get it if they have a 07/2020 vehicle.
发表于 2020-8-3 19:55:01

brianlaw 2020/08/03 14:27:30 发表在 5楼


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