还又大又长~检查的真仔细啊 佩服佩服 科学严谨,果然有洞察力
某猪头 看到了洋人的 JJ 又大又长之后,
只要别人敢说 中国人 和 洋人 比身高、体重、视力、肺活量、力气大小、跑得多快、跳得多高、跳得多远、举得多重…………
猪头就会说,“中国人 居然敢和 洋人 比?”
三:盲人带路 (中文来源:http://club.autohome.com.cn/bbs/thread-c-530-13062900-1.html)
Long long ago, there lived 3 disabled men who loved reputation and never be convinced with each oter. One day, these 3 disabled men went out to visit a friend. Before going, they all expressed that he was more familiar than other for parading his ability. Finally, they dicided whom to lead roads through drawing lots. The first leading disabled man falled into a water puddle in the middle of the road. The other 2 men felt bad by the noise, and asken him what"s wrong with. He said there was nothing. Then the second man falled into the water puddle too and said nothing. Finally all the 3 disabled men falled into the water puddle.
从前有3个盲人,都很爱面子,平时都对别人不服气。有一次,三个盲人一起出门去看一个朋友。为逞能都说自己对路很熟悉,最后抓阄决定谁带路。 结果走到半路上带路的瞎子一下掉进水坑,另外2个听声音不对,问带路的怎么回事,带路的说没事,于是第二个也掉进去了;第二个掉下去后,也不做声,结果三人都落水失身。
我绞尽脑汁 终于想通啦 那猪头莫非就是某精品国人的老婆?