1:气门正时调解阀外壳漏油。原因:密封环失效 措施:拆解后更换密封环和外壳端面打硅胶密封。 时间:40分
2:凸轮轴端盖漏油。 原因:端盖结构设计不良,密封胶条设计不良 措施:拆解端盖槽内打硅胶密封。时间:2小时
3:机油尺外管与发动机链接处漏油, 原因:o型密封环失效 措施:拆解打硅胶密封 时间:30分 我的没处理
4:后曲轴油封机油泄露 原因:油封及装配质量低下 措施:拆解发动机更换打足密封胶 时间:48小时左右 我没中招
5:机油加注口油气外泄 原因:制造装配不良 措施:还没想到 我的现在一样外泄
6:发动机汽缸盖菱形黑塑料盖油气泄露 原因:o型密封环失效 措施:打足硅胶密封 时间:30分 我的没处理。
以上都是可以忍痛割爱让4S去通过维修解决的。至少老万的已去处理了。现在来看效果尚可接受。 没处理的或暂时未出现的保留诉求权利。
7:油气分离系统往发动机外吸液态机油。 原因:设计缺陷 措施:现状无法解决 时间:索赔旋风精细油分离器1小时。 但结果是无济于事的。
C: 眼睛定位圆圆外壳靠近你身体端那个像茶壶嘴一样的下趴小黑管子
第7点的发生几率:ea888 1.8 T 2.0T 100%发生。
http://margarianlaw.com/ 美国加州正在调查VW机油异常耗用。我已取得联系。
September 30, 2013
Sherman Oaks, CA – The Law Offices of Hovanes Margarian files a major class action lawsuit against Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., the company which manufactures Audi and VW vehicles. The class action lawsuit, in pertinent part, alleges that an estimated five million (5,000,000) vehicles were manufactured and retailed by Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. with defective engines which cause overconsumption of oil. The condition is so severe in some vehicles that drivers are required to top off the engine oil every two (2) weeks or else risk ruining their vehicles’ engines. The lawsuit alleges that Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. has been aware of this defect for years and yet has failed to provide a proper remedy to its customers. Moreover, Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. has continued to manufacture and retail these vehicles without disclosing this material defect to the consumers.
Hovanes Margarian, Esq., the lead attorney for the class, states, “We suspect that millions of consumers have lost time from work and suffered financial loss due to this defect. We also believe that VW and its affiliated dealerships have conspired to avoid documenting complaints by many consumers and have engaged in a campaign to avoid recalling these vehicles by paying off individual consumers who have filed complaints.” While Margarian is not at liberty to divulge the full details of the evidence against VW, he is confident that the evidence against VW is overwhelming. “Many VW and Audi drivers have been told that the oil consumption is normal and many have been refused documentation of their complaints,” states Margarian. Under most state lemon laws, a consumer must have documentation of his/her visits to a dealership in order to be able to subsequently make a claim for a refund under the lemon law. When dealerships systematically fail to document visits, that results in the consumer being unable to utilize his/her rights under the state lemon law as he/she has no means to prove that the dealership had multiple opportunities to repair the vehicle. “As part of this lawsuit, we seek not only to provide a remedy to VW drivers who have been harmed to date, but to also ensure that VW enforces stricter documentation guidelines at its dealerships so that consumers’ rights are not restricted in the future,” states Margarian.
The estimated amount of the claim within this class action lawsuit exceeds one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000). The lawsuit was filed this morning in Los Angeles Superior Court, Central District, however Margarian suspects that the lawsuit will likely be removed to Federal Court, in light of the fact that it affects millions of VW vehicles sold in not only California, but the entire United States. For more information about the lawsuit you may visit www.MargarianLaw.com/ClassAction
The Law Offices of Hovanes Margarian
Hovanes Margarian, Esq.
13425 Ventura Blvd., Suite 303
Los Angeles, CA 91423
Tel.: 818.990.0418
Fax.: 818.990.1418